Be mindful of your mental and body wellness! Here are the 5 tips:

  1. Take a break and get active

    Exercise is a natural form of antidepressant. It releases endorphins that help promote a positive
    mood, increases focus and helps reduce stress. Pick a physical activity you enjoy – whether it’s
    going for a walk, hitting the gym, practicing yoga or something else – and make time to do it
    several times a week leading up to finals. Set an alarm on your phone as a reminder or add it to
    your calendar and stick with it.
  2. Make meals a priority

    Increasing evidence suggests that the gut and brain are connected and that eating can affect
    your mood. Don’t skip meals, especially as finals week approaches. Try to eat a balanced diet at
    each meal, including fruits, vegetables and proteins, and limit sugars. If lack of money or
    resources is a concern, your local food banks can help you.
  3. Prioritize your goals and take them one at a time

    Focusing on everything you have to accomplish before finals week can be overwhelming.
    Instead, break down big projects or test preparation activities into bite-sized to-do items. Write
    them down in a list and check them off as you go. This will help you reach your goals and boost
    your confidence as you conquer your list one item at a time.
  4. Get some fresh air and sunlight

    Humans have an ancestral connection to the great outdoors. If we don’t nourish that bond, it
    can create stress. Nature captures our attention and can calm our nerves. If you don’t have
    much time in your schedule to get outside, utilize your walk back to your dorm, apartment or
    vehicle as an opportunity to soak in the sun and fresh air. As you walk, take your time, move
    slowly, breathe deeply and observe your surroundings.
  5. Get support from a professional

    Sometimes, self-care isn’t enough to help you manage your stress, and that’s OK. If you need
    extra help, there are mental health resources that can assist you.

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