Want to become a lifeguard?
Take the Deaf Lifeguard Training and Employment Program at Bob Rumball Camp of the Deaf this summer!

June 29 – July 6, 2024 for training
July 7 – August 3, 2024 for employment opportunities
Bob Rumball Camp of the Deaf
236 Blackstone Crane Lake Road
Seguin, ON P2A2W8
For: Deaf youth ages 16 to 30 years old
Limited enrollment subsidized program fees for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Canadian youth. Accomodations and food included. You must have emergency first aid to take training. EFA course offered June 28 if needed.
Sponsors: Bob Rumball Camp of the Deaf
Contact: Jennine Loewen at jloewen@bobrumball.org for more information.